Al-Anon Information Services
District 8 Area 53 Southeast Texas
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Anonymity Statement
There may be some who are not familiar with our Tradition of personal anonymity in any form of press, radio, films, TV, internet and other electronic media. If so, we respectfully ask that no Al-Anon, Alateen, or AA speaker or member be identified by full name or picture in published broadcast or Web-posted reports of our meeting.
The assurance of anonymity is essential to our efforts to help other families of alcoholics and our tradition of anonymity reminds us to place Al-Anon and Alateen principles.
Who Are We?
About Al-Anon Information Services
Al-Anon Information Services
4224 College St
Beaumont, TX 77707
Contact us:
(409) 899-3343
(Answered 24/7 by Al-Anon volunteers)
Literature orders:
Effective, August 1, 2023, all literature purchases are made through our online store. Orders may be placed for delivery via USPS or easy local pickup. Pickup is available weekdays (excluding holidays) from 10am to 3pm at the College Street location. The office is not staffed for walk in purchases.
We sell Conference Approved Al-Anon literature.